With more than 20 years of professional experience, I am a web developer who is very passionate about turning beautiful designs into fully functional, standards-compliant websites. I am a firm believer that ensuring accessibility is the responsibility of every developer, not only for individuals with disabilities, but across multiple browsers, devices and connection speeds. I'm a sucker for clean, efficient markup and am currently enamored with BEM and CSS preprocessors.
My personal website has been around since Jan. 2009, but often set neglected. Recently, I gave the site a design refresh, as well as updating the entire codebase.
Django Frontend Skeleton is a basic Django template skeleton built on HTML5 Boilerplate and Twitter Bootstrap. With the convenience of an installable Django application, create custom templates built on top of one of the most well-known, widespread templates (HTML5 Boilerplate) and a robust front-end framework (Twitter Bootstrap.)
What started as a personal project of rewriting the new K-State template into HTML5 turned into a project used for most OME applications.
Website for the 2013 Innovations in Teaching & Learning conference.
A slideshow-esque website for annual security training at K-State.
A website to post, promote and easily share job openings at OME.
Website for the new National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) being built in Manhattan, Kan.
A scrolling website for the 2011 annual Axio Learning Conference.